Hierarchical Structure of Quantum Solution

This document provides a hierarchical map of my recent paper, which addresses the fundamental problem of decaying hydrodynamic turbulence. Using a novel approach to fluid dynamics—loop equations—initiated by our group in the 1990s, we have recently derived an exact solution to this problem in quadrature.

In this work, the solution is explored step by step, beginning with the loop equation itself. As with any microscopic solution to an empirical field (such as chemistry or astronomy), the approach involves technical challenges that require advanced mathematical tools, specifically loop calculus, quantum mechanics, and number theory.

The turbulence problem has remained unsolved for centuries, and for good reason—a direct solution is virtually unattainable, as the vorticity in a turbulent fluid does not exist as a smooth vector field. The breakthrough described in this paper is based on a new concept of duality, which allows the problem of strong fluctuations in a vector field to be exactly reduced to a dual problem of a weakly fluctuating field in another dimension.

This innovative framework necessitates careful explanation and consideration. To make the paper more accessible, I have introduced four levels of hierarchy, which are reflected in this interactive map. The map is designed to be browsed alongside the traditional PDF manuscript, enabling intuitive navigation and cross-referencing between the hierarchical structure and the full paper.

Readers may also find it helpful to start with the preprint of my recent talk at the IAS Mathematical Physics Seminar. In this talk, I present a clean mathematical definition of the loop equation and the turbulent solution, alongside a conjecture: the Navier-Stokes (NS) equation has no blow-up solution when initialized with thermal noise in the velocity field. Since such noise is inevitable in physical fluids, this conjecture provides a practical definition of ”smooth initial velocity” for the NS equation.

Additionally, due to technical issues (the disk was accidentally erased), the data link in the published Physics of Fluids paper is currently non-functional. The correct link to the DNS data for decaying turbulence is here. By loading this data into the Mathematica notebooks cited in the paper, readers can reproduce the published plots. Notably, the plot for the effective index of the second velocity moment matches the results presented in the paper, verifying my theory and refuting the K41 scaling law.

Recently, we launched an open project on GitHub, Turbulence Duality, where all data, recent papers, and Mathematica notebooks are available. Our future plans include developing an AI assistant to help newcomers navigate this complex work. This assistant will answer questions, facilitate the deposition of raw DNS and experimental data, and generate comparative plots to evaluate these datasets against the Euler ensemble theory. Moreover, the AI will assist in presenting mathematical proofs of various equations and theorems.

Finally, here is the link to the slides of my presentation at the 27th Statistical Mechanics Conference in Rutgers, December 2024. There are the new data for 4096^3 lattice DNS of the NS equation.

  • I. Prologue

    • Complexity of vortex structures simplicity of statistical theory.

      [Uncaptioned image]
    • Statistical theory of turbulence = fixed trajectory of the loop equation

      • [Uncaptioned image]
      • Hopf Equation (1952)

        • This is a general equation for generating functional for stochastic Navier-Stokes velocity field.

      • QCD loop equation (1983)

        • Equation for Wilson loop (parallel transport factor) in the Gauge theory.

      • Navier-Stokes loop equation (1993)

        • Using the loop calculus from gauge theory, we applied that to the Navier-Stokes equation.

      • Momentum loops (1995)

        • Using the functional Fourier transform, we discovered the reduction of the loop equation to the one-dimensional singular PDE (momentum loop equation).

      • Euler ensemble (2022)

        • We found an exact solution of the momentum loop equation: an ensemble or 2 numbers coupled to a random fraction (Euler ensemble).

      • Fermi ring (2023)

        • We used a representation of the average over Euler ensemble as a periodic Markov chain to derive an exact transformation of this ensemble as the set of Fermi particles on a ring.

      • Instanton (2023)

        • The turbulent limit of this Fermi ring corresponding to vanishing viscosity in Navier-Stokes equation is reduced to a single classical trajectory (instanton) plus quadratic fluctuations in its vicinity.

      • Exact solution (2024)

        • The remaining tedious technical work of computing the instanton and the functional determinant for the quadratic fluctuations in the turbulent limit led to analytic expression for the energy spectrum of decaying turbulence, matching experimental data and the DNS.

  • II. Definitions and notations

  • III. Summary.

    • All the basic results summarized

      • Log-log plot of 1 / E n e r g y ( t ) . Theory predicts slope 5 / 4 = 1.25 in perfect agreement with experiments.

        [Uncaptioned image]
      • The effective index (log-log derivative) for the energy spectrum as a function of the scaling variable k t

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      • The deviation of our theory from the K41 ( 5 / 3 ) law for the energy spectrum in a log-log scale (acceptable match with DNS).

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      • The effective index n ( t ) = t t log E ( t ) for the energy decay

        [Uncaptioned image]
  • IV. Introduction.

    • The hierarchical structure of the paper and its messages for various readers

    • Physical Introduction

      • The Energy Flow and Random Vorticity Structures

    • Mathematical Introduction.

      • The loop equation and its solution

      • Appendix A. Global Random rotation and Momentum Loop Space. An instructive example of the exact fixed point of the loop equation

      • The big and small Euler ensembles.

        • Appendix E. Small Euler ensemble in statistical limit. New formulas in the Number Theory: statistical distribution of fractions with large denominators.

  • V. The Fermi ring and its continuum limit.

    • Deeper analysis of the mathematical structure of the solution

    • Appendix B. The Markov chain and its Fermionic representation. Exact mathematical transformation of the Markov chain to the Fermionic trace.

    • Appendix C. Path integral over Markov histories. From discrete Markov chain to the path integral using generating functions

    • Appendix D. Matching path integral with combinatorial sums. Verifying the continuum results against exact combinatorial computations

  • VI. Instanton in the path integral.

    • Appendix F. The velocity correlation in Fourier space. Transformation of the backtracking loop functional to the two-point vorticity correlation.

    • All-in-depth technical calculations.

      • Appendix G. Turbulent viscosity and the local limit. Deep technical details of the instanton calculation. Eigenvalues of the quadratic functional of fluctuations.

      • Appendix H. Linearized classical trajectory. The harmonic fluctuations around instanton in the turbulent limit.

      • Appendix I. Functional determinant in the path integral. The beautiful part. The zeta regularization of functional determinant and exact topological formula for the critical index

      • Appendix J. The fluctuation term in α ( ξ 1 ) α ( ξ 2 ) . Adding a term into the instanton contribution

  • VII. The decaying energy in a finite system.

    • The energy spectrum in a finite system, with energy spectrum matched by k2 law at small k

    • Computation of the energy dissipation

      • We elaborate on the internal representation for the correlation function in the WKB limit for the Fermionic ring

    • The energy normalization problem,

      • The limit ν 0 can only be taken in the universal functions depending on the circulation ratio to viscosity.

  • VIII. Comparing our theory with the DNS.

    • The moment of truth: how does our theory compare with DNS?

    • Digging in the archives from the DNS simulation for decaying turbulence.

    • Selecting the turbulent interval of time where the equilibrium is already reached but the decaying Reynolds number is still large.

    • Perfect match between theory and DNS for the leading scaling indexes.

    • Effective length as a function of time vs theoretical t .

      [Uncaptioned image]
    • Energy as a function of effective length

      [Uncaptioned image]
    • universal function for the effective index of the second moment of velocity differences.

      [Uncaptioned image]
  • IX. The spectrum of scaling dimensions.

    • Mathematical definition of scaling laws via Mellin transform and infinite spectrum of scaling indexes.

    • Analytical formulas for the spectrum, – the first precedent in critical phenomena above two dimensions.

    • Appendix K. Mellin integral for the energy spectrum and energy decay. Putting together instanton contribution to the energy spectrum in a form of Mellin integral.

    • A. The energy spectrum and replacement of k 5 / 3 by k 7 / 2 .

      [Uncaptioned image]
    • B. The energy decay and t 11 / 4 correction to t 5 / 4

      [Uncaptioned image]
    • C. The velocity correlation growth index spectrum.

      [Uncaptioned image]
  • X. Discussion. This theory contradicts accepted paradigms about energy cascades, scaling laws, etc. Let us discuss it.

    • A. Myth and Reality of Turbulent Scaling Laws.

      • Most of the phenomenological theories of decaying turbulence in the past were myths based on stretching the data and wishful thinking.

        [Uncaptioned image]
    • B. Stochastic solution of the Navier-Stokes equation and ergodic hypothesis.

      • Our theory is an exact stochastic solution of the Navier-Stokes equation. What is the analog of the ergodic hypothesis?

    • C. The physical meaning of the loop equation and dimensional reduction.

      • How is the 3D classical turbulence reduced to a one-dimensional system?

    • D. Classical Flow and Quantum Mechanics.

      • The most important section. Spontaneous quantization of nonlinear classical system

    • E. Renormalizability of the inviscid Limit of the Loop Equation.

      • Analogy with QCD.

      • How the parameters in the loop equation must be tuned to get a nontrivial continuum limit?

      • Turbulent viscosity (universal or not?)

    • F. Relation of Our Solution to Weak Turbulence.

      • In the Navier-Stokes equation, Wylde diagrams can represent the terms of the expansion in inverse viscosity powers.

      • Our solution can be regarded as an exact summation of that expansion with extrapolation to zero viscosity.

  • XI. Remaining problems.

  • XII. Conclusion. The big picture of what was accomplished in this work.

    • We have unveiled a duality between decaying classical turbulence in 3+1 dimensions and the one-dimensional quantum theory of N Fermi particles on a ring.

    • The density fluctuations of these Fermi particles disappear in the turbulent limit ν 1 / N 2 0 , leading to the exact WKB (instanton) solution for this density.

    • This establishes a new relation between classical nonlinear dynamics and quantum theory: the Fourier transform of classical probability adheres to the QM evolution with the interference of alternative histories.

    • The spectrum of the turbulence scaling dimensions is related to the zeros of the Riemann ζ function .

    • The grid-turbulence experiments and recent DNS rule out K41, multifractal, and Heisenberg scaling laws but confirm this theory.

  • Acknowledgments

  • Data Availability

  • References